The world has been shocked by the deaths, innocent casualties of war, of the passengers and crew of MH17 over Ukraine.
Behind every photo of passengers published in our news services is a story.
There are individual stories of people on their way to do business, going on holiday, attending conference and visiting families.
- Their stories have been cut short in a most untimely and horrific manner. One can only hope that they did not know and that for them death was instant. We grieve for them. We know that it could just as easily have been us had our plans taken us that way that day.
Then there are the stories of those families whose lives are forever changed by this single event.
- They have had their loved ones torn away from them. Their reunion will never happen. Their place at the table will remain empty. Shared hopes and dreams will never be fulfilled. So, our hearts go out to all those who grieve.
I pray that among the sadness and seeming senselessness of all this that the God of all comfort and compassion will draw near to those who have lost loved ones.
- I know that nothing and no-one can ever replace them.
- I also know from my own experience of grief and loss that God’s presence can bring great strength.