Posts from March 2014

6 Items

Never trust again

by peter k

Sometimes we hear horrific stories of human brutality. One such case is the story reported in the Age Newspaper of a man who was imprisoned, tortured and humiliated over a twenty-four hour period. The man was quoted as saying that he would ‘probably never trust them (humans) as collective again’.   I can understand that. In […]


by peter k

Sometimes the reality is that the world and /or my world turn bad. There’s a lot to make us feel bad. There are lots of current examples, among them: people still waiting for news of loved ones after the disappearance of flight MH730; people buried in mudslides in Washington State USA; people wondering what is […]

The redemptive power of positive action

by peter k

Our news services in the past week have detailed  the outcome of the trial of Brett Peter Cowan who murdered Daniel, the son of Bruce & Denise Morcombe when he was thirteen years of age in 2003. The Morcombe’s indicated in an interview with Sixty Minutes that they felt that justice had been done – interview […]

The anguish of waiting

by peter k

My heart goes out to the families of those awaiting the news of the fate of love ones from the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.  I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like for them.  How would I be if I were them waiting for what appears likely to be bad news? I […]


by peter k

Life is filled with questions.  When I was young I thought that questions were for young people. But the older I get the more I realise that questioning is very much part of our humanity. While life is simple as far as the basics are concerned it is complex in the sense that many things […]

Significance in a name

by peter k

The Age reported today that Gwen Steffani and her husband Gavin Rossdale have had a third son whom they have named Apollo Bowie Flynn Rossdale – celebrity pregnancy and birth news Those familiar with the entertainment industry will instantly recognise the origins and significance of those names.  Parents often name children in honour of someone […]